Why Does My Electric Guitar Sound Acoustic?


You expect your instrument to produce that signature electrifying sound as an electric guitar player. But what happens when your electric guitar starts sounding more like an acoustic? It can be confusing, especially if you need clarification on why it’s happening.  In this blog post, I’ll explore why your electric guitar might sound acoustic and […]

Types Of Guitar Bridges Explained


When it comes to playing guitar, the bridge is an essential component that affects the instrument’s sound and playability. With so many types of guitar bridge options, it can be overwhelming to choose one. Here, I’ll explore the various types of guitar bridges, including fixed bridges, tremolo bridges, and floating bridges. I’ll discuss different types […]

How To Cut Guitar Strings (4 Steps)


When restringing your guitar, one of the most essential steps is cutting the strings to the correct length. But how to cut guitar strings without damaging your instrument or yourself? Here, we’ll walk you through the process of cutting guitar strings. From choosing the right tools to ensuring a clean cut, we’ll cover all the […]

11 String Guitar – Is it Worth to Play?


If you’re a guitar enthusiast or a musician looking to expand your musical horizons, you may have heard of the 11-string guitar. But is it worth playing? Here, I’ll delve into the world of the 11-string guitar and explore its unique characteristics and benefits.  From its extended range to its versatility in various musical genres, […]

What Oil To Use On Guitar Fretboard?


When taking care of your guitar, one area that often gets overlooked is the fretboard. Taking care of the fretboard is important because it’s where you press down on the strings to make different notes and sounds. One way to do this is by applying oil to the fretboard. But what oil should you use? […]

Can Guitar Strings Cut You? – How Is It!


If you’re a guitar player, you may have wondered at some point: Can guitar strings actually cut you? It’s a common question among musicians, especially those who play with intensity and passion. Here, I’ll delve into the truth behind this myth and explore whether or not guitar strings can really cause any harm.  It also […]

Fingerstyle Vs Strumming


If you’re a guitarist, you’ve probably encountered the age-old debate: Fingerstyle vs strumming. Both techniques have their unique sound and style, and each has its benefits and drawbacks.  In this blog post, I’ll dive deep into the world of Fingerstyle and strumming, exploring the differences between the two and helping you decide which technique is […]

How To Use A Guitar Capo Chart


If you’re a guitarist looking to expand your playing capabilities, a guitar capo is a must-have accessory. The use of a capo can open up a whole new world of musical possibilities, regardless of whether you play an acoustic guitar or an electric guitar.  There are so many different types and positions to choose from […]

How To Restring An Acoustic Guitar?


If your acoustic guitar strings start to sound dull or worn out, it may be time to restring your instrument. Restringing an acoustic guitar is a relatively simple process that can be done at home with just a few tools and some patience.  In this blog post, I will walk you through the step-by-step process […]

How To Practice Guitar?


If you’ve recently picked up a guitar and are eager to start playing, you may wonder how to practice effectively. Learning the guitar is a journey that requires time, dedication, and, most importantly, practice.  In this blog post, I will guide you through some essential tips and techniques on practicing the guitar so that you can progress […]